
openalea.eartrack.binarisation.color_tree(bgr, cabin=None, mask_pot=None, mask_rails=None, empty_img=None)[source]

Segmentation using decision tree and mask

Platform specific method, masks and decision trees depend on imagery cabin :param bgr: numpy.ndarray of integers

3-D array
  • cabin – string, 2 possible values : cabin-1 or cabin-2
  • mask_pot – mask_mean_shift: numpy.ndarray, optional Array 2-D of same shape as bgr representing pot position on image
  • mask_rails – mask_mean_shift: numpy.ndarray, optional Array 2-D of same shape as bgr representing rails position
  • empty_img – numpy.ndarray of integers 3-D array of empty cabin (without plant)

result : numpy.ndarray 2-D of same shape as bgr

Binary image representing plant segmentation of ‘bgr’