Source code for openalea.eartrack.eartrack

# -*- python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""eartrack library provides useful functions to track ear on maize

import os
import math as m
import multiprocessing as mp

import numpy as np
import cv2

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

from skimage import measure
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize, medial_axis, label
from skimage import graph

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import openalea.eartrack.binarisation as bin

writing_semaphore = mp.BoundedSemaphore()

[docs]def top_analysis(top_binary_img, existing_angles, center_mask): """ Top image analysis Analyse top binary image to determine best side view images allowing to see the stem and find ear :param top_binary_img: (numpy array of uint8) representing binary image :param existing_angles: (list of int) list of existing angle for this snapshot :param center_mask: (numpy array of uint8) mask representing the center of image to know if a leave can be considered as obstructing :return: (list of int) informative angles of view to analyse (numpy array of uint8) result image for log (string) log to write """ log = "" # Determination of most informative angles for ear tracking result_img, alpha90, alpha270, exclusions = \ get_view_angles(top_binary_img[::-1, ::-1], center_mask) if alpha90 == -1 and alpha270 == -1: log += "Binarisation error for top view image\n\n" return list(), result_img, log # TODO : refaire cette méthode plus proprement existing_angles.sort() angles_to_keep = list() for angle in (alpha90, alpha270): if angle > 345: angle -= 360 for i in range(len(existing_angles)): if abs(existing_angles[i] - angle) <= 10: if i > 0: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[i-1]) else: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[len(existing_angles)-1]) angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[i]) if i < len(existing_angles)-1: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[i+1]) else: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[0]) break elif abs(existing_angles[i] - angle) <= 15: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[i]) if existing_angles[i] < angle: if i < len(existing_angles)-1: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[i+1]) else: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[0]) else: if i > 0: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[i-1]) else: angles_to_keep.append(existing_angles[len(existing_angles)-1]) angles_to_keep.sort() # Exclude some angles which could have leaves hamper the stem detection excluded_angles = list() for exclude_angle in exclusions: exclude_negatives_angles = 1000 if exclude_angle > 335: exclude_negatives_angles = exclude_angle - 360 i = 0 while i < len(angles_to_keep): if abs(exclude_angle - angles_to_keep[i]) < 25: excluded_angles.append(angles_to_keep.pop(i)) elif abs(exclude_negatives_angles - angles_to_keep[i]) < 25: excluded_angles.append(angles_to_keep.pop(i)) else: i += 1 # Log intermediate and final data on top images analyse log += "Top view analyzed : alpha = " + str(alpha90) + ", alpha2 = " + \ str(alpha270) if len(exclusions): log += "\nExcluded angles : " + ";".join(map(str, exclusions)) log += "\n\n" log += "Interesting angles : " + \ ";".join(map(str, sorted(angles_to_keep + excluded_angles))) + "\n" log += "Final kept angles : " + ";".join(map(str, angles_to_keep)) + "\n" if not len(angles_to_keep): log += "All views has been excluded\n" return angles_to_keep, result_img, log
[docs]def side_analysis(binary_img, color_img, angle, pot_height, pot_center): """ Side image analysis for ear tracking Perform the analysis of side view maize plant's image to extract ear position :param binary_img: (numpy array of uint8) binary image :param color_img: (numpy array of uint8) color image in BGR matrix :param angle: (int) view angle of the image :param pot_height: (int) height position of the top of the pot :param pot_center: (int) width position of the center of the pot :return: positions: (np array of uint numpy array) Kept position(s) as probable(s) ear(s), each position as [x, y, angle] useful_images: (np array of str) ids of images corresponding to each position log: (string) log to write img_debug: (list of numpy array) list of output images from different stages of calculation """ positions = np.empty([0, 3], 'int') useful_images = np.empty([0], 'int') log = "" img_debug = dict() image_name = "side_" + str(angle) + ".png" log += "\n-----------------------------\n" log += "Loading " + image_name + "\n" ''' LOADING BINARY AND ORIGINAL IMAGE ''' binary_img = bin.close(binary_img, iterations=4) name, ext = os.path.splitext(image_name) # Get the biggest region biggest_binary_region = binary_biggest_region(binary_img) # Extract skeleton of plant output_skeleton_img = get_skeleton(biggest_binary_region) # Extract distance transform dist_trans_img = distance_transform(biggest_binary_region) # skimage's graph library and skeleton cleaning begin, end = get_endpoints(output_skeleton_img, pot_center, pot_height) if begin == [-1, -1]: log += "Error in bottom's stem detection\n\n" return positions, useful_images, log, img_debug output_skeleton_img = skeleton_cleaning(output_skeleton_img, begin) route = find_cross_route(output_skeleton_img, begin) route.reverse() # Make color image with distance transform ''' output_dt_img = dist_trans_img*255/dist_trans_img.max() output_dt_img = output_dt_img.astype(int) # Make image binary and skeletons output_binary_img = np.zeros(color_img.shape, 'uint8') output_binary_img[:, :, 0] = biggest_binary_region output_binary_img[:, :, 1] = biggest_binary_region output_binary_img[:, :, 2] = biggest_binary_region for pix in route: output_binary_img[pix[0], pix[1]-2:pix[1]+2, :] = (0, 0, 255) # Get main direction of stem, rotate the stem and adapt on it the # following derivation algorithme init_stem = np.zeros(biggest_binary_region.shape, 'uint8') for pix in route: mask = dist_trans_img[pix[0], pix[1]] init_stem[pix[0]-mask:pix[0]+mask+1, pix[1]-mask:pix[1]+mask+1] = 255 output_stem_img, a, b, r_xy, alpha = majors_axes_regression_line(init_stem) # Perform derivation on route to diff, x, y = derivate(route) # Eliminate noise on derivation curve indices = differential_cleaning(diff, x, y, 10, 5, 5) # Delete extrema error i = len(indices)-1 while indices[i][2] == 0: i -= 1 if x[len(y)-1] == x[indices[i][0]] or \ abs(float(y[len(y)-1] - y[indices[i][0]])/float(x[len(y)-1] - x[indices[i][0]]) - a) > 1: for j in range(len(indices)-1, i-1, -1): route = route[:indices[i][0]] indices.pop(len(indices)-1) i = 0 while indices[i][2] == 0: i += 1 if x[indices[i][1]] == x[0] or \ abs(float(y[indices[i][1]] - y[0])/float(x[indices[i][1]] - x[0]) - a) > 1: for j in range(i+1): route = route[indices[0][1]:] indices.pop(0) # Stem reconstruction cleaned_stem = np.zeros(biggest_binary_region.shape, 'uint8') for pix in route: mask = dist_trans_img[pix[0], pix[1]] cleaned_stem[pix[0]-mask:pix[0]+mask+1, pix[1]-mask:pix[1]+mask+1] = \ biggest_binary_region[pix[0]-mask:pix[0]+mask+1, pix[1]-mask:pix[1]+mask+1] output_stem_img, a, b, r_xy, alpha = majors_axes_regression_line(cleaned_stem) if r_xy > 30: log += "Stem detection error\n\n" img_debug[name + "_stem_error" + ext] = output_stem_img return positions, useful_images, log, img_debug skeleton_stem = np.zeros(binary_img.shape, 'uint8') for pixel in route: skeleton_stem[pixel] = 1 begin, end = get_endpoints(skeleton_stem, pot_center, pot_height) if begin == [-1, -1] or end == [-1, -1]: log += "Error in bottom or top of stem detection after cleaning stem" return positions, useful_images, log, img_debug route = find_route(skeleton_stem, begin, end) # Statistics on distances curve to detect probable ear position distances = get_distances(route, dist_trans_img) distances_length = float(len(distances)) part_1 = int(round(len(distances)/2.5)) position = 0 solutions, stems, pics, poses = ear_detection(distances) minus_pos = poses[0] stem_pos_after_ear = poses[1] kept_solutions = -1 for i in range(len(solutions)): if solutions[i][1] > 0: positions = np.append(positions, [[route[solutions[i][0]][0], route[solutions[i][0]][1], solutions[i][1]]], axis=0) useful_images = np.append(useful_images, angle) if kept_solutions < 0: kept_solutions = i position = solutions[i][0] elif solutions[i][1] > solutions[kept_solutions][1]: kept_solutions = i position = solutions[i][0] log += "Stem width bellow the ear = " + str(distances[minus_pos]) + "\n" if kept_solutions >= 0: log += "Stem with up to the ear = " + \ str(distances[stem_pos_after_ear]) + "\n" log += "Probable ear position : " + str(route[position][0]) + "\n" else: log += "Ear detection error\n" log += "Solutions : \n" for sol in solutions: log += "\tsolution : " + str(route[sol[0]][0]) + ", weight : " + \ str(sol[1]) + "\n" log += "Peaks (leaves) : \n" for pic in pics: log += "\tpeak : " + str(route[pic[0]][0]) + ", begin : " + \ str(route[pic[1]][0]) + ", end : " + str(route[pic[2]][0]) + \ ", relative length : " + \ str(float(pic[2] - pic[1])*100./distances_length) + "\n" log += "Troughs (stem part) : \n" for stem in stems: log += "\tbegin : " + str(route[stem[0]][0]) + ", end : " + \ str(route[stem[1]][0]) + ", relative length : " + \ str(float(stem[1] - stem[0])*100./distances_length) + "\n" log += "\n" # The following part can fail on server without server X width_curve = None try: fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) ax = fig.gca() ax.plot(distances) ax.plot(minus_pos, -1, 'rX') ax.plot(stem_pos_after_ear, 0, 'gX') ax.plot(position, -1, 'bX') for i in pics[:, 0]: ax.plot(i,distances[i], 'r*') for stem in stems: ax.plot(range(stem[0], stem[1]), distances[stem[0]:stem[1]], 'r') im_size = fig.get_size_inches() * fig.dpi canvas.draw() width_curve = np.fromstring(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8') width_curve = width_curve.reshape(int(im_size[1]), int(im_size[0]), 3) width_curve = width_curve[:, :, ::-1] except: pass # draw yellow square on solution output_results_img = color_img.copy() output_results_img[route[position][0]-5:route[position][0]+5, route[position][1]-5:route[position][1]+5, :] = (0, 255, 255) for i in range(len(route)): output_binary_img[route[i][0], route[i][1]-2:route[i][1]+2, :] = (0, 255, 0) if i < stem_pos_after_ear: mask = distances[minus_pos] else: mask = distances[stem_pos_after_ear] if distances[i] == distances[minus_pos] and i < part_1: output_results_img[route[i][0], route[i][1]-mask:route[i][1]+mask+1, 0] \ = 255 elif distances[i] == distances[stem_pos_after_ear] \ and i >= part_1 and position: output_results_img[route[i][0], route[i][1]-mask:route[i][1]+mask+1, 1] \ = 255 else: output_results_img[route[i][0], route[i][1]-mask:route[i][1]+mask+1, 2] \ = 255 output_binary_img[route[position][0]-5:route[position][0]+5, route[position][1]-5:route[position][1]+5, :] = (0, 0, 255) output_binary_img[route[minus_pos][0]-5:route[minus_pos][0]+5, route[minus_pos][1]-5:route[minus_pos][1]+5, :] = (255, 0, 0) # save images img_debug[name + "_distance_transform" + ext] = output_dt_img img_debug[name + "_result" + ext] = output_results_img img_debug[name + "_binary" + ext] = output_binary_img img_debug[name + "_cleaned_stem" + ext] = output_stem_img img_debug[name + "_skeleton" + ext] = output_skeleton_img * 255 if isinstance(width_curve, np.ndarray): img_debug[name + "_width_curve" + ext] = width_curve # Log distance values log += "Stem width : " + ';'.join(map(str, distances)) + "\n" return positions, useful_images, log, img_debug
[docs]def get_skeleton(binary_image): """ Perform skeleton on image Use skimage medial axis to perform skeleton on binary image :param binary_image: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) binary image to perform skeleton :return: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) binary image of skeleton """ return (medial_axis(binary_image > 0)).astype(int)
[docs]def distance_transform(binary_image, distance_type=1, mask_size=5): """ Perform distance transform on image Perform opencv distance transform on binary image :param binary_image: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) binary image to perform distance transorm :param distance_type: see cv::DistanceTypes :param mask_size: see cv::DistanceTransformMasks :return: (numpy 2D array of uint8) binary image transformed in distances """ return (cv2.distanceTransform(binary_image, distance_type, mask_size)).astype(int)
[docs]def binary_biggest_region(binary_image): """ Look for the biggest object on a binary image :param binary_image: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) binary image to analyse :return: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) binary image containing only the biggest object """ biggest = 0 lab = 0 labelled_img = measure.label(binary_image, neighbors=8) for region in measure.regionprops(labelled_img): if region['area'] > biggest and \ binary_image[region['coords'][0][0], region['coords'][0][1]]: biggest = region['area'] lab = region['label'] return binary_image * (labelled_img == lab)
[docs]def get_endpoints(skeleton, center, height): """ Look for stem extremities Try to find the bottom and upper node of the stem in a maize plant :param skeleton: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) representing the skeleton of side view image of a maize plant :param center: (int) pixel in the width center of the pot (depending on the plateform and the calibration) :param height: (int) pixel in the height top of the pot (depending on the plateform and the calibration) :return: (list of 2 int) pixel of the bottom of the stem (list of 2 int) pixel of the top of the stem """ mini = skeleton.shape[0] down_look_for = height skelet = np.where(skeleton > 0) up_node = [-1, -1] down_node = [-1, -1] for i in range(0, skelet[0].shape[0]): node = tuple([skelet[0][i], skelet[1][i]]) if node[0] < mini or \ (node[0] == mini and skeleton[node[0], node[1]-1:node[1]+2].all()): mini = node[0] up_node = node loop_again = 1 while loop_again: if skeleton[down_look_for, :].any(): indices = np.where(skeleton[down_look_for, :]) loop_again = 0 for y in indices[0]: if abs(y - center) < abs(down_node[1] - center): down_node = [down_look_for, y] down_look_for -= 1 if down_look_for < 1500: loop_again = 0 return down_node, up_node
[docs]def skeleton_cleaning(skeleton, begin): """ Clean the skeleton :param skeleton: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) representing the skeleton of side view image of maize plant :param begin: bottm of stem :return: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) representing cleaned skeleton """ cleaned_skeleton = np.array(skeleton) skeleton_inverted = np.array(skeleton, 'float') skeleton_inverted[skeleton_inverted == 0] = np.Inf mcp = graph.MCP(skeleton_inverted) cc, t = mcp.find_costs([begin]) s = np.where(skeleton) cross = list() ends = list() for i in range(len(s[0])): pattern = skeleton[s[0][i] - 1:s[0][i] + 2, s[1][i] - 1:s[1][i] + 2] if len(np.where(pattern > 0)[0]) > 3: cross.append([s[0][i], s[1][i]]) elif len(np.where(pattern > 0)[0]) < 3: ends.append([s[0][i], s[1][i]]) for end in ends: temp = list() current = end prec_in_cross = 0 loop_again = 1 while loop_again: direction = t[current[0], current[1]] if direction == -1: break temp.append(current) a = np.zeros([8]) a[direction] = 1 a = np.insert(a, 4, 0) a = a[::-1] a = a.reshape([3, 3]) next_one = np.where(a == 1) current = [current[0] + next_one[0][0]-1, current[1] + next_one[1][0]-1] if current in cross: prec_in_cross = 1 else: if prec_in_cross: temp.pop() loop_again = 0 if len(temp) < 100: for pixel in temp: cleaned_skeleton[pixel[0], pixel[1]] = 0 return cleaned_skeleton
[docs]def find_route(skeleton, begin, end): """ Perform shortest path algorithm on skeleton image Find the shortest route on a skeleton between 2 pixels using graph shortest path algorithm :param skeleton: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) representing the skeleton of side view image of a maize plant :param begin: (list of 2 int) pixel of the bottom of the stem :param end: (list of 2 int) pixel of the top of the stem :return: (list of list of 2 int) list of all the pixels to follow to get the shortest path between begin and end """ skeleton_inverted = np.array(skeleton) skeleton_inverted[skeleton_inverted == 0] = 255 return graph.route_through_array(skeleton_inverted, begin, end)[0]
[docs]def find_cross_route(skeleton, begin): """ Perform shortest path algorithm on skeleton image unknowing upper node Find the shortest route on a skeleton between a beginning pixel and the upper cross on the skeleton using graph shortest path algorithm :param skeleton: (numpy 2D array of binary uint8) representing the skeleton of side view image of a maize plant :param begin: (list of 2 int) pixel of the bottom of the stem :return: (list of list of 2 int) list of all the pixels to follow to get the shortest path between begin and upper cross """ s = np.where(skeleton) end = skeleton.shape for i in range(len(s[0])): if len(np.where(skeleton[s[0][i]-1:s[0][i]+2, s[1][i]-1:s[1][i]+2] > 0)[0]) > 3: if s[0][i] < end[0]: end = [s[0][i], s[1][i]] skeleton_inverted = np.array(skeleton) skeleton_inverted[skeleton_inverted == 0] = 255 return graph.route_through_array(skeleton_inverted, begin, end)[0]
[docs]def get_distances(route, distance_transform_img): """ Get the distances transform values along a route 'route' are coordinates in the 'distance_transform_img' shape. :param route: (list of list of 2 int) list of all the pixels to follow a route on image :param distance_transform_img: (numpy 2D array of uint8) binary image transformed in distances :return: (list of int) representing the distances values all along the route """ distances = list() for pixel in route: distances.append(distance_transform_img[pixel]) return distances
[docs]def derivate(route): """ Perform discrete derivative on a curve Perform discrete derivative on a route in order to analyse variation of directions :param route: (list of list of 2 int) list of all the pixels to follow a route on image :return: diff: (list of int) values in [-1, 0, 1] representing the variation of the route x: (list of int) x original position of each diff value y: (list of int) y original position of each diff value """ longueur = len(route) x = np.zeros([1, 0], 'int') y = np.zeros([1, 0], 'int') diff = np.zeros([1, 0], 'float') i = 0 while i < longueur-1: superior_index = 1 x = np.append(x, route[i][0]) y = np.append(y, route[i][1]) while route[i+superior_index][0] >= route[i][0]: x = np.append(x, route[i+superior_index][0]) y = np.append(y, route[i+superior_index][1]) diff = np.append(diff, float(route[i+superior_index][1] - route[i+superior_index-1][1])) superior_index += 1 if i + superior_index == len(route): break if i + superior_index < len(route): if i == 0: diff = np.append(diff, float(route[superior_index][1] - route[0][1]) / float(route[superior_index][0] - route[0][0])) else: if superior_index == 1: diff = np.append(diff, float(route[i+superior_index][1] - route[i][1]) / float(route[i+superior_index][0] - route[i][0])) else: diff = np.append(diff, np.sign(float(route[i+superior_index][1] - route[i][1]) / float(route[i+superior_index][0] - route[i][0]))*np.Inf) else: diff = np.append(diff, 1.) i += superior_index if not route[longueur-1][0] == route[longueur-2][0]: x = np.append(x, route[longueur-1][0]) y = np.append(y, route[longueur-1][1]) diff = np.append(diff, float(route[longueur-1][1] - route[longueur-2][1]) / float(route[longueur-1][0] - route[longueur-2][0])) return diff, x, y
[docs]def differential_cleaning(diff, x, y, max_space, min_length, min_height): """ Clean derivatives values Analyse derivatives values to keep only the significant variations :param diff: (list of int) values in [-1, 0, 1] representing the variation of a route :param x: (list of int) x original position of each diff value :param y: (list of int) y original position of each diff value :param max_space: (int) max length (in pixels) of diff null to reckon that the increase or decrease is no longer the same variation :param min_length: (int) minimum length of variation to reckon that the variation is significant :param min_height: minimum height of variation to reckon that the variation is significant :return: (list of 3 int list) describing the diff values by parts of same variation [[begin, end, variation]] """ # first loop to separate variations indices = list() begin = -1 end = -1 direction = 0 for i in range(0, len(diff)): if not diff[i] == 0: if begin > -1 and direction*diff[i] > 0: end = i if i == len(diff)-1: indices.append(list([begin, end, direction])) else: if begin > -1 and direction*diff[i] < 0: indices.append(list([begin, end+1, direction])) if diff[i] > 0: direction = 1 else: direction = -1 begin = i end = i else: if end > -1: if abs(x[i] - x[end]) > max_space or i == len(diff)-1: indices.append(list([begin, end+1, direction])) begin = -1 end = -1 direction = 0 # second loop to group sames variations together good_index = list() end = 0 for i in indices: if end < i[0]: if len(good_index) > 0 and good_index[len(good_index)-1][2] == 0: good_index[len(good_index)-1][1] = i[0] else: good_index.append(list([end, i[0], 0])) end = i[0] if abs(x[i[1]] - x[i[0]]) > min_length \ or abs(y[i[1]] - y[i[0]]) > min_height: good_index.append(i) end = i[1] # Write small plane zone which should have been eliminate beacause of its # small length if end < indices[len(indices)-1][1]: if len(good_index) > 0 and good_index[len(good_index)-1][2] == 0: good_index[len(good_index)-1][1] = indices[len(indices)-1][1] else: good_index.append(list([end, indices[len(indices)-1][0], 0])) end = indices[len(indices)-1][1] # Write last plane zone if exists if indices[len(indices)-1][1] < len(diff)-1: if len(good_index) > 0 and good_index[len(good_index)-1][2] == 0: good_index[len(good_index)-1][1] = len(diff)-1 else: good_index.append(list([indices[len(indices)-1][1], len(diff)-1, 0])) return good_index
[docs]def differential_separate(x, y, indices): """ Deep analysis of derivatives values Go deeper in derivatives values analyse to find different fast of increase and decrease in order to detect increases and decreases even on inclined stem :param x: (list of int) x original position of each diff value :param y: (list of int) y original position of each diff value :param indices: (list of 3 int list) describing the differentials values by parts of same variation [[begin, end, variation]] :return: new_indexes : (list of 3 int list) describing new variations total_means : (list of float) slope of each part of 'new_indexes' """ new_indexes = list() total_means = list() for ind in indices: direction = ind[2] if not direction == 0: tab = list([list(ind)]) while tab[0][1] - tab[0][0] > 10: temp = list(tab) tab = list() for elem in temp: longueur = int(round((elem[1] - elem[0])/2)) tab.append(list([elem[0], elem[0]+longueur, direction])) tab.append(list([elem[0]+longueur, elem[1], direction])) means = list() for elem in tab: if x[elem[1]] - x[elem[0]] > 0: means.append(float(y[elem[1]] - y[elem[0]]) / float(x[elem[1]] - x[elem[0]])) else: means.append(np.sign(float(y[elem[1]] - y[elem[0]]))*np.Inf) loop_again = 1 while loop_again: loop_again = 0 i = 0 while 1: if i+1 < len(means): if abs(means[i]) == np.inf \ or abs(means[i] - means[i+1]) < 0.2: tab[i][1] = tab[i+1][1] if x[tab[i][1]] - x[tab[i][0]] > 0: means[i] = float(y[tab[i][1]] - y[tab[i][0]]) /\ float(x[tab[i][1]] - x[tab[i][0]]) else: means[i] = np.sign(float(y[tab[i][1]] - y[tab[i][0]]))*np.Inf tab.pop(i+1) means.pop(i+1) loop_again = 1 elif abs(means[i+1]) == np.inf: if i+2 < len(means): if abs(means[i+2]) > abs(means[i]): i += 1 else: tab[i][1] = tab[i+1][1] if x[tab[i][1]] - x[tab[i][0]] > 0: means[i] = float(y[tab[i][1]] - y[tab[i][0]])/float(x[tab[i][1]] - x[tab[i][0]]) else: means[i] = np.sign(float(y[tab[i][1]] - y[tab[i][0]]))*np.Inf tab.pop(i+1) means.pop(i+1) loop_again = 1 else: tab[i][1] = tab[i+1][1] if x[tab[i][1]] - x[tab[i][0]] > 0: means[i] = float(y[tab[i][1]] - y[tab[i][0]])/float(x[tab[i][1]] - x[tab[i][0]]) else: means[i] = np.sign(float(y[tab[i][1]] - y[tab[i][0]]))*np.Inf tab.pop(i+1) means.pop(i+1) loop_again = 1 else: i += 1 else: break for i in range(len(tab)): new_indexes.append(tab[i]) total_means.append(means[i]) else: if ind[1] - ind[0] < 4 and len(new_indexes): new_indexes[len(new_indexes) - 1][1] = ind[1] else: new_indexes.append(ind) total_means.append(0) return new_indexes, total_means
[docs]def majors_axes_regression_ww(pixels): """ Performs a major axis regression on 2D distributed dots :param pixels: (np array of 2 np array of int) distributed dots to perform regression :return: a: (float) slope of regression line b: (float) intercept of regression line mean_error: (float) mean error of dots to regression line """ values = np.transpose(np.array([pixels[0], pixels[1]])) mean_values = np.mean(values, 0) s_xy = ((values[:, 0]-mean_values[0]) * (values[:, 1]-mean_values[1])).sum() s_xx = np.power(values[:, 0]-mean_values[0], 2).sum() s_yy = np.power(values[:, 1]-mean_values[1], 2).sum() if s_xy > 0: a = m.sqrt(s_yy/s_xx) else: a = -m.sqrt(s_yy/s_xx) b = mean_values[1] - a*mean_values[0] errors = np.array(abs(values[:, 1] - a * values[:, 0] - b)) mean_error = np.mean(errors) return a, b, mean_error
[docs]def majors_axes_regression_line(binary_img): """ Performs a major axis regression on binary image True pixels of image are used as distributed dots :param binary_img: (numpy 2D binary uint8 array) binary image to perform regression :return: result: (numpy 3D uint8 array) color image with regression line draws on it a: (float) slope of regression line b: (float) intercept of regression line mean_error: (float) mean error of pixels to regression line alpha: angle of regression line (in degrees) """ result = np.zeros([binary_img.shape[0], binary_img.shape[1], 3], 'uint8') result[:, :, 0] = np.array(binary_img) result[:, :, 1] = np.array(binary_img) result[:, :, 2] = np.array(binary_img) pixels = np.where(binary_img > 0) n = len(pixels[0]) if n: a, b, errors_means = majors_axes_regression_ww(pixels) alpha = (m.atan2(a/m.sqrt(m.pow(a, 2)+1), 1/m.sqrt(m.pow(a, 2)+1)))*180/m.pi cv2.line(result, (int(b + a*pixels[0][0]), pixels[0][0]), (int(b + a*pixels[0][n-1]), pixels[0][n-1]), (0, 0, 255), 2) return result, a, b, errors_means, alpha
[docs]def robust_majors_axes_regression_ww(pixels): """ Performs a robust major axis regression on 2D distributed dots Robustness come from 'hinich et al.' algorithm :param pixels: (np array of 2 np array of int) distributed dots to perform regression :return: a: (float) slope of robust regression line b: (float) intercept of robust regression line useful_pixels: (np array of 2 np array of int) dots kept by robust regression useless_pixels: (np array of 2 np array of int) dots ousted by robust regression """ n = len(pixels[0]) a = b = 0 useless_pixels = np.empty([0, 2], 'int') useful_pixels = np.transpose(np.array([pixels[0], pixels[1]])) values = useful_pixels[np.random.randint(n, size=int(n/2)), :] loop_again = 1 while loop_again: mean_values = np.mean(values, 0) s_xy = ((values[:, 0]-mean_values[0]) * (values[:, 1]-mean_values[1])).sum() s_xx = np.power(values[:, 0]-mean_values[0], 2).sum() s_yy = np.power(values[:, 1]-mean_values[1], 2).sum() if s_xy > 0: a = m.sqrt(s_yy/s_xx) else: a = - m.sqrt(s_yy/s_xx) b = mean_values[1] - a*mean_values[0] errors = np.array(abs(useful_pixels[:, 1] - a*useful_pixels[:, 0] - b)) sorted_errors = np.sort(errors) u28 = sorted_errors[int(round(28*n/100))] u72 = sorted_errors[int(round(72*n/100))] s = (u72 - u28)/1.654 loop_again = 0 pixels_to_delete = np.where(errors > 4*s)[0] if pixels_to_delete.shape[0]: useless_pixels = np.append(useless_pixels, useful_pixels[pixels_to_delete, :], axis=0) useful_pixels = np.delete(useful_pixels, pixels_to_delete, axis=0) loop_again = 1 values = np.array(useful_pixels) n = values.shape[0] return a, b, useful_pixels, useless_pixels
[docs]def get_view_angles(binary_img, mask): """ Extract interesting view angles from top image :param binary_img: (numpy array of uint8) representing binary image :param mask: (numpy array of uint8) mask representing the center of image to know if a leave can be considered as obstructing :return: (list of int) informative angles of view to analyse (numpy array of uint8) result image for log (string) log to write """ result = np.zeros([binary_img.shape[0], binary_img.shape[1], 3], 'uint8') pixels = np.where(binary_img > 0) n = len(pixels[0]) exclusions = list() if n > 1000: a, b, useful_pixels, useless_pixels = \ robust_majors_axes_regression_ww(pixels) alpha = (m.atan2(a/m.sqrt(m.pow(a, 2) + 1), 1/m.sqrt(m.pow(a, 2) + 1)))*180/m.pi a90 = -1/a alpha90 = ((m.atan2(a90/m.sqrt(m.pow(a90, 2) + 1), 1/m.sqrt(m.pow(a90, 2) + 1)))*180/m.pi) % 360 alpha270 = (alpha90 + 180) % 360 result[useful_pixels[:, 0], useful_pixels[:, 1], :] = (255, 255, 255) cv2.line(result, (int(b+a*pixels[0][0]), pixels[0][0]), (int(b+a*pixels[0][n-1]), pixels[0][n-1]), (0, 0, 255), 3) cv2.line(result, (int(b+a*pixels[0][0]), pixels[0][0]+2), (int(b+a*pixels[0][n-1]), pixels[0][n-1]+1), (0, 0, 255), 3) cv2.line(result, (int(b+a*pixels[0][0]), pixels[0][0]-2), (int(b+a*pixels[0][n-1]), pixels[0][n-1]-1), (0, 0, 255), 3) loop_again = 1 while loop_again: loop_again = 0 temp_img = np.zeros(binary_img.shape, 'uint8') temp_img[useless_pixels[:, 0], useless_pixels[:, 1]] = 255 useless_pixels = np.empty([0, 2], 'int') labelled_img = measure.label(temp_img, neighbors=8) for region in measure.regionprops(labelled_img): pixels2 = np.where(labelled_img == region['label']) temp_useful_pixels = \ np.transpose(np.array([pixels2[0], pixels2[1]])) n2 = region.area if n2 > n/20: a2, b2, useful_pixels2, useless_pixels2 = \ robust_majors_axes_regression_ww(pixels2) alpha2 = (m.atan2(a2/m.sqrt(m.pow(a2, 2) + 1), 1/m.sqrt(m.pow(a2, 2) + 1)))*180/m.pi errors = np.array(abs(useful_pixels2[:, 1] - a * useful_pixels2[:, 0] - b)) x_intersection_line = int((b - b2)/(a2 - a)) y_intersection_line = int(a*x_intersection_line + b) useless_pixels = np.append(useless_pixels, useless_pixels2, axis=0) if 0 <= x_intersection_line < mask.shape[0] and \ 0 <= y_intersection_line < mask.shape[1]: if abs(alpha-alpha2) > 20 and mask[x_intersection_line, y_intersection_line] and \ errors.max() > 300: max_error_pos = np.where(errors == errors.max())[0][0] max_signed_error = useful_pixels2[max_error_pos,1] - a * useful_pixels2[max_error_pos,0] - b diff = alpha - alpha2 if diff*max_signed_error < 0: alpha2 = (alpha2 + 180) % 360 else: alpha2 %= 360 exclusions.append(alpha2) result[useful_pixels2[:, 0], useful_pixels2[:, 1], :] = (0, 255, 0) cv2.line(result, (int(b2+a2*pixels2[0][0]), pixels2[0][0]), (int(b2+a2*pixels2[0][n2-1]), pixels2[0][n2-1]), (255, 0, 255), 2) cv2.line(result, (int(b2+a2*pixels2[0][0]), pixels2[0][0]+1), (int(b2+a2*pixels2[0][n2-1]), pixels2[0][n2-1]+1), (255, 0, 255), 2) cv2.line(result, (int(b2+a2*pixels2[0][0]), pixels2[0][0]-1), (int(b2+a2*pixels2[0][n2-1]), pixels2[0][n2-1]-1), (255, 0, 255), 2) else: result[temp_useful_pixels[:, 0], temp_useful_pixels[:, 1], :] = (0, 0, 255) else: result[temp_useful_pixels[:, 0], temp_useful_pixels[:, 1], :] = (0, 0, 255) loop_again = 1 else: result[temp_useful_pixels[:, 0], temp_useful_pixels[:, 1], :] = (0, 0, 255) return result[::-1, ::-1], alpha90, alpha270, exclusions else: return result, -1, -1, exclusions
[docs]def robust_mean(values, images, std_error=20): """ Look for most representative position in a small set of positions This function perform a 'vote' between few values to extract the most representative(s) and the corresponding images :param values: (2 dimensional numpy float array) the vote will be perform on first value of each 2 values array :param images: (numpy array of string) id of image corresponding to each value :param std_error: (int) maximum standard error to reckon that 2 values are in the same group :return: means: (2 values numpy array) mean value of kept 2 values array ((-1, -1) if standard error remains more than std_error param) values: (2 dimensional numpy float array) kept values as most representatives images: (numpy array of string) id of image corresponding to each kept value """ means = 0 loop_again = 1 while loop_again: loop_again = 0 means = np.mean(values, 0) std_deviation = m.sqrt(np.power(values[:, 0]-means[0], 2).sum()/values.shape[0]) if std_deviation > std_error: loop_again = 1 errors = abs(values[:, 0] - means[0]) if len(np.unique(errors)) == 1: means = np.array([-1, -1]) images = images[np.unique(values[:, 0], return_index=True)[1]] values = values[np.unique(values[:, 0], return_index=True)[1], :] loop_again = 0 else: values_to_delete = np.where(errors == errors.max())[0] values = np.delete(values, values_to_delete, 0) images = np.delete(images, values_to_delete, 0) if values.shape[0] <= 1: means = np.array([-1, -1]) loop_again = 0 else: images = images[np.unique(values[:, 0], return_index=True)[1]] values = values[np.unique(values[:, 0], return_index=True)[1], :] return means, values, images
[docs]def ear_detection(distances): """ Look for ear in a stem width curve :param distances: (list of int) representing distance transform values all along the stem :return: (list of list of 2 int) first value of each 2 int list is a probable solution, second value is its weight (list of (list of (2 int and one list))) representing parts of distances interpreted as stem (begin, end, [values]) (list of (list of (2 int and one list))) representing parts of distances interpreted as leaves (begin, end, [values]) (list of 2 int), width of stem under ear and upper ear """ distances_length = float(len(distances)) part_1 = int(round(len(distances)/2.5)) td = distances[:part_1] td.sort() mini = td[int(round(len(td)*15/100))] pos_min = np.where(td == mini)[0][0] # Look for peaks dist_array = np.array(distances) sorted_distances = list(distances) sorted_distances.sort() median = sorted_distances[int(round(part_1))] peak_begin = 0 peaks = np.empty([0, 3], 'int') i = 1 while i < len(distances)-1: if distances[i] > median: if not peak_begin: peak_begin = i if distances[i] > distances[i+1] and distances[i] > distances[i-1]: peaks = np.append(peaks, [[i, peak_begin, i]], axis=0) elif distances[i] > distances[i-1] and \ distances[i] == distances[i+1]: while distances[i] == distances[i+1]: i += 1 if i >= len(distances)-1: break if (i >= len(distances)-1) or (distances[i] > distances[i+1]): peaks = np.append(peaks, [[i, peak_begin, i]], axis=0) elif peak_begin: if peaks.shape[0]: peaks[peaks.shape[0]-1, 2] = i peak_begin = 0 i += 1 if (i < len(distances)) and (distances[i] > distances[i-1] and distances[i] > median): peaks = np.append(peaks, [[i, peak_begin, i]], axis=0) i = 0 while i < peaks.shape[0]-1: if (dist_array[peaks[i, 0]:peaks[i+1 ,0]] > median).all() or \ (dist_array[peaks[i, 0]:peaks[i+1,0]] <= median).sum() < 10: peaks[i+1,1] = peaks[i,1] peaks = np.delete(peaks, i, axis=0) else: i += 1 peaks = peaks[np.where(peaks[:,0] >= part_1)[0],:] # Look for hollows representative of stem stems = list() route_distances = list() for i in range(len(distances)): route_distances.append([i, distances[i]]) dist_diff, dist_x, dist_y = derivate(route_distances) dist_array = np.array(dist_y) dist_indexes = differential_cleaning(dist_diff, dist_x, dist_y, 10, 5, 2) dist_new_indexes, dist_total_means = differential_separate(dist_x, dist_y, dist_indexes) for ind in dist_new_indexes: if ind[0] > part_1 and ind[1] < len(distances) and ind[1] - ind[0] > 20: if dist_array[ind[0]:ind[1]].min() <= mini and \ dist_array[ind[0]:ind[1]].max() <= median and \ ind[2] == 0: stems.append([ind[0], ind[1], np.mean(dist_array[ind[0]:ind[1]])]) # Group hollows i = 0 while i < len(stems) - 1: j = 0 while j < len(peaks) and stems[i][0] > peaks[j, 0]: j += 1 j -= 1 if (j == peaks.shape[0] - 1) or (stems[i][0] > peaks[j, 0] and stems[i + 1][1] < peaks[j + 1, 0]): if abs(stems[i][2] - stems[i + 1][2]) < 3: stems[i][1] = stems[i + 1][1] stems.pop(i + 1) else: if stems[i][2] > stems[i + 1][2]: stems.pop(i) else: stems.pop(i + 1) else: i += 1 # Save previous peak of each hollow and weighting them from criteria # detailed in method td = distances[part_1:] td.sort() # keep only percentile at 15% on stem width to eliminate possible noise superior_min = td[int(round(len(td)*15/100))] solutions = np.empty([0, 2], 'int') stem_pos_after_ear = 0 best_solution = 0 first_found = False iteration = 0 while not first_found and iteration < 2: for stem in stems: comparison = np.where(peaks[:, 0] < stem[0])[0] if len(comparison): pic = peaks[comparison[len(comparison)-1]] solutions = np.append(solutions, [[pic[0], 0]], axis=0) if not first_found and \ dist_array[stem[0]:stem[1]].mean() < mini: for dist in dist_array[stem[0]:stem[1]]: if superior_min <= dist < mini: first_found = True solutions[len(solutions)-1, 1] += 2 break if 8 < float(pic[2] - pic[1])*100./distances_length < 30: solutions[len(solutions)-1, 1] += 1 if solutions[len(solutions)-1, 1] > best_solution: stem_pos_after_ear = stem[0] # If no solution found with percentile at 15%, redo calculation with # percentile at 5% to force a result if not first_found: solutions = np.empty([0, 2], 'int') superior_min = td[int(round(len(td)*5/100))] iteration += 1 return solutions, stems, peaks, [pos_min, stem_pos_after_ear]