Installation with Miniconda

Miniconda installation

Follow official website instruction to install miniconda :

On Linux / Ubuntu / MacOS

Create virtual environment and activate it

conda create --name eartrack python
source activate eartrack

Dependencies install

conda install -c conda-forge numpy matplotlib opencv scikit-image
conda install -c openalea openalea.deploy openalea.core

(Optional) Package managing tools :

conda install -c conda-forge notebook nose sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pandoc

Eartrack install

conda install -c openalea openalea.eartrack

On Windows

Create virtual environment and activate it

conda create --name eartrack python
activate eartrack

Dependencies install

conda install -c conda-forge numpy matplotlib scikit-image opencv pywin32
conda install -c openalea openalea.deploy openalea.core

(Optional) Package managing tools :

conda install -c conda-forge notebook nose sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pandoc

Eartrack install

conda install -c openalea openalea.eartrack